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Making Cybersecurity a Priority

Cybercriminals and data brokers are a common threat to businesses nationwide, which is why infrastructure integrity is something companies need to understand to ensure online safety. Infrastructure integrity refers to the setup you have to promote safety and security; it includes firewalls, anti-virus software, and backups.  You risk compromising your sensitive data if you have yet to invest in cybersecurity. …

man snacking at his PC

Where do cyber-attacks start?

Cyberattacks can happen on any device at any given time, so how do you know which of your devices you need to protect? It helps first to clarify where these attacks come from. In the past, attacks came from outside sources, or, in other words, the internet. Cybersecurity companies combatted these attacks by setting up firewalls, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), …

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Understanding different types of Malware

Malicious software — or malware — is talked about when dangerous software is used to access and infect a computer or network without being detected. A lot of people hear terms like viruses, adware, spyware, ransomware, worms, or Trojan horses; these are all different types of malware that can severely damage computers, devices, and networks. Cybersecurity companies like Decypher Technologies …

Americans are losing billions due to internet crime

Tips to Shop Securely Online

Because we shop online for nearly everything for our businesses and personal lives, it’s essential to be vigilant about cyber-safety. Here are some tips to make sure you’re shopping securely. Only shop on sites using HTTPS in the URL as opposed to HTTP. If a site is using HTTP, password and payment data can easily be stolen by anyone who …

girl in red dress sitting while holding silver ipad pro

Summer Break in Times of Quarantine

We’ve been at this a while, right? Now it’s summer break, the kids are home & you still have to get work done. We get it! Here are some tech tips to help: Technology is your new BFF! Kids are social creatures! Cut yourself some slack on screen time limits. Have your kids connect with friends & family online. Grandparents …

Digital Safety Tips

By now, we’re all a bit coronavirus weary–maybe even a bit anxious to find out how things are progressing as states and businesses begin to re-open. There are endless offerings of websites, apps, news stories, etc. to stay current. Now more than ever, it is critical to exercise caution in your consumption of news. There is a lot of malicious …

Getting Back to Business

From our team to yours, we hope everyone is in good health! Colorado and Florida are slowly warming to the idea of reopening some businesses which – done carefully – is welcomed news. Colorado Governor Polis announced on April 20th that the state will move to stage two of the coronavirus response – Safer at Home. This stage of the plan …

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Remain Vigilant!

By now we’re all pretty savvy when it comes to recognizing a scam but remain vigilant! The “bad guys” are savvy too, particularly in the midst of this COVID 19 pandemic. Practice extra caution with calls from unrecognized phone numbers and “too good to be true”  or suspicious email offers. Especially links contained within those emails. Read these digital protection …

Decypher event

The 2020 State of Cybersecurity Networking Event

Farr Shepherd invited to speak at The State of Cybersecurity networking event hosted by Digital Resource. West Palm Beach, FL – 1/29/2020 – Farr Shepherd, President, Decypher Technologies presented The State of Cybersecurity 2020 in partnership with Jim King of Atlantic Pacific Insurance. The presentation was hosted by Digital Resource in West Palm Beach, FL. Farr’s speech covered 2 main …

Steps to PCI Compliance

How To Keep Your Browsing Data Private

How To Keep Your Browsing Data Private The government has recently moved to deregulate internet privacy laws so that Americans’ browsing data could be up for grabs to the highest bidder. Internet service providers want to collect as much data as possible to track people’s browsing habits, so they can better market and sell their products to consumers. In an age …

Password Managers: Protecting Yourself in the Age of Hackers

Whether it’s warnings about Heartbleed, the “largest data breach” ever, or Internet browser vulnerabilities, new online security threats are popping up every day. In the age of hackers, what is the number one way to safeguard your data? Use a Password Manager Password managers like LastPass, Dashlane, 1Password and True Key, are highly recommended by security experts as the strongest defense against online vulnerabilities. A password manager will help you …