
A Few of our Favorite Keyboard Shortcuts

A Few of our Favorite Keyboard Shortcuts

Check out these helpful keyboard shortcuts to improve your productivity.

Outlook Tips
Email can sometimes threaten to dominate your day. Try this tip to fire off emails like a pro and never have your fingers leave the keyboard. After you type your message, type ALT + S on a PC. On a Mac, type CMD+ Return. Off it goes!

To reply to an email with keyboard shortcuts on a PC, type CTRL + R or CTRL + SHIFT + R to reply all. On a Mac, type CMD + R to reply and CMD + SHIFT + R to reply all.


Webpage Bookmarks
In Chrome or Firefox, you can bookmark a webpage by typing CTRL + D. To view your entire bookmark menu, type CTRL + SHIFT + B.


Lock Your Computer
If you’re in a shared workspace or public setting, never walk away from your computer without locking it. On a PC, type the Windows Key + L and whatever you are working on will be safe from curious onlookers. On A Mac, type CTRL + CMD + Q.


January 2020 edition

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