Windows 10 is here…should you upgrade?

windows-10-upgradeMicrosoft has finally released Windows 10 — the latest overhaul to the most popular operating system in the world. Is an upgrade in your future? We think it should be! Here are some of the standout features of Windows 10:

• It’s familiar and easy to use, combining the strengths of Windows 7 & 8
• It’s productive, enabling faster multi-tasking
• It’s personal, offering the flexibility for you to use it how you want

You can upgrade to Windows 10 yourself, but some users have experienced compatibility issues with other programs and apps after upgrading. We would be happy to guide you through the upgrade process, so please let us know if you have any questions about compatibility or would like help upgrading. Give us a call at 970.373.5428.

If you haven’t already upgraded, we also want to share this useful tool you can use to see if your current system is compatible. If your system is compatible, you can upgrade on your own, or reach out to us and we would be happy to help. We hope you get to enjoy the many benefits of Windows 10 soon. Also, check out CNET’s article on the benefits of Windows 10 to learn more about Windows 10’s new features and updates.


Farr Shepherd
President, Decypher Technologies

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