Phishing, there I said it. You’ve heard it a million times–and with COVID19, probably a million & 1. But here’s the thing. It’s VERY real, it can happen to ANYONE and you need to be vigilant about it. Try this tool to see if an email address has been compromised and if so, it’s time to consider a password manager.
Q. What should I do if I find I’ve been compromised?
A. Take advantage of a password manager to lock down your security and access. A password manager is a program that allows users to safely generate, store and manage their personal passwords.
Q. How do I safely use a password manager?
A. If you’ve already been compromised, the hacker has access to your data and can potentially lurk in the background, watching what passwords you are adding to the manager. Create your password manager account on another device. For the most peace of mind, we recommend reformatting your compromised device. However, consult a professional before doing so.
Safe password managers include 1Password, Last Pass and Duo. They have their own military grade, cloud encryption service.
Q. If humans are the weak point in an organization, can I have my staff trained in cybersecurity best-practices? How & where?
A. Webroot is our favorite antivirus & will provide you with custom phishing attacks to educate your staff.
A. Use a service like Umbrella from Cisco Content Filtering for protection.
A. Make regular password changing mandatory for staff.
Q. If I realize I’ve been hacked, what can I do right away?
A. Register for Lifelock to monitor suspicious activity.
A. Contact credit monitoring agencies and alert them to the breach.
A. Change your password on a different device because hackers are monitoring what you type.
If your account(s) have been breached, contact us for help. 855.808.6920