Decypher Tech Tips, March 2016 – Printing Tips

Decypher-Tech-TipsWe want to keep you informed with the latest technology tips, so we’re sharing the information we’ve found most helpful this month.


HP’s All-In-One Printer Remote mobile app (available on iTunes and Google Play) extends desktop functionality to your mobile device. The app provides the following features:

  • Print from your mobile device: Use your tablet or smartphone to print status reports, photos, PDFs, webpages, email attachments, Microsoft Office documents, and more from virtually anywhere. Print times and connection speeds might vary.
  • Scan directly to your mobile device: Scan documents from your printer directly to your tablet or smartphone.
  • Camera-enabled document scanning: Capture high-quality documents from your mobile device. The app automatically processes images taken by your tablet or smartphone camera to create .PDF documents. You can share, store, or print the documents from your device. Document capture requires a camera with a minimum of 5 megapixels and auto-focus capability.
  • Cloud document storage services: Access cloud document storage services such as iCloud, Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, or social media sites, including Facebook. Document access to cloud services requires an Internet connection. Cloud access might also require a wireless access point.

Printer Troubleshooting:

Sometimes, in a Windows environment, incompatible print drivers or an old print driver that wasn’t uninstalled correctly can cause all of your printing to cease. This is evident when you try to print something, see it go through the queue and complete, but nothing comes out of your printer and there is no error.

  • To fix this issue, delete all of the print drivers in your print spooler and re-install the needed ones again using software found on the printer manufacturer’s site.

If you have any questions about printing, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help. Call us today at 970.373.5428.


Farr Shepherd
President | Business Development Manager

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